Development Finance

Call: 1300 01 01 71
Joint Venture Funding Solutions

Joint Venture Equity Funding

Property focussed Private Equity and Joint Venture Funding solutions

Challis Capital Partners has a proven track record, extensive property industry experience and market knowledge in Private Equity and Joint Venture solutions

Private Equity / Joint Venture is particularly useful in situations where the project proponent requires another party’s project development expertise and/or balance sheet position to progress the project to a mutually-profitable outcome.Access to our unrivalled networkPrivate Equity or Joint Venture arrangements combine property experience, access to capital and opportunity.Our experience is in facilitating Joint Venture funding that works for all parties involved - sharing risk with profits.You have access to our wide-reaching network of high-net worth individuals, private companies and public listed and unlisted property trusts.Most suited to:
  • Land owner looking to partner with an experienced property developer
  • Early stages of the project time line (such as rezoning or approval)
  • Developers looking for Development management experience, particularly for larger projects to demonstrate the ability to successfully complete the project
Create the right connectionsIf you need an equity or joint venture partner to successfully fund your development proposal, or if you are interested in participating and investing in private equity as a partner, please contact us for a confidential chat.

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Call us on 1300 01 01 71

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